Preservation Issue #1: The Code Requirements

The Historic Trust has laid out “code compliance” as a guiding principle. In fact, in a letter to the editor, Historic Trust board member Paul Speer stated:
“... today’s plans both comply with applicable municipal code and historic preservation requirements”
But do they?
The Academy may not be on the Clark County Historic Register - this is why the Clark County Historic Preservation Commission only has an advisory role in this project - but it is in a Heritage Overlay District established by the Vancouver municipal code. That designation carries certain requirements for any alterations to the Academy building, and requirements for any new buildings built on the site.
Some of these requirements are very specific, such as restrictions on where buildings can be built. The proposed project would, for the most part, meet those requirements to the letter. But if you aren’t careful when you read the code, you might miss the part that says that code compliance also requires that new construction meet another set of more general preservation requirements (20.510.040). And in the case of these requirements, the proposed development very much does not meet the requirements of the code. We’ll close with those requirements, and when you see them you will see how obvious it is that the proposed development does not comply with the code. But in case there is any doubt, we’ll dig into just how much it does not comply in future posts. Stay tuned!

Section 20.510.010 Purpose. 
General. The Heritage Overlay Districts are intended to preserve the special architectural character and/or historic or cultural significance of certain areas within the City. The following additional regulations are imposed in areas so designated in order to do the following:
A.    Compatibility. To ensure that new development is compatible in scale, character, and design with existing buildings and with the preservation of existing architectural characteristics of significant buildings in the area.
B.   Preservation. To preserve and encourage the restoration of existing older buildings in their original architectural style.
C.   Retention of unique character. To retain, conserve, and improve historical, cultural, and architectural environments attractive to residents and to visitors, thereby promoting the economic health of the City while retaining its unique historical and architectural features.

And don't forget to sign the Petition if you haven't already! 
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And don't forget to sign the Petition if you haven't already! 


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